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Do You Dislike A Herb's Flavour?

Sometimes, you might find you really don't like the taste of a tonic herb...


Sometimes, you might find you really don't like the taste of a tonic herb...

And this is totally normal, most of us here at SuperFeast HQ have had experiences where a particular herb has had a really unusual and unpalatable taste for us. It's so subjective, we are all so unique with different tastes and perceptions. But rest assured, we have all gotten over this little bump!


Join Mase today as he runs through:

     - Which herb's seem to offend more than others

     - The taste aversion may be pointing to the magic

     - How you can help ease the bitterness / taste aversion




So, sometimes when you're new to a herb, you can feel you've got this reaction and this aversion to the flavour. That can happen. It happens a lot with Schisandra and the sourness. I personally loved it from the beginning, but sometimes people just, they're offended by it. The bitterness of Reishi is another time when it happens. So, what I want to tell you here is 90% of the time, even more, 95% of the time when this happens, there's some medicine there that for you in working with that herb and what you want to do is you want to work with that herb enough, you lower the dose, keep on going and start to realise and uncover where there may be a blockage within the organ system, say with the sourness of the Schisandra berry. It might be in the Liver, that bitterness of the Reishi.

It might be in the Heart organ system that through working with that herb, just lower the dose, but continue that usage. And remember this is probably 95% of the time, 5% of the time maybe the herb's just not for you and you'll know if that's the case. Most of the time you know you just have to get in there. It's like doing hill runs at the beach. You're like, "Ah, it's just not for me." No, you can probably just take it a little bit slower and work on it and you're eventually going to be able to see it as medicine.

But what you'll find, and Tahnee was big like this with Schisandra and Reishi, is you get over this hump where you no longer have this aversion and this reaction, right? To the flavour profile. And all of a sudden, it doesn't mean you necessarily like the flavour, but you don't have that offence to it and you can actually start to then find some pleasure in working with that herb. And what you will also find is that that would have moved through some blocked energy or deficient energy within an organ system. It gets to the point where you can get that Schisandra and just whack it right in there.

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Duxelle a la Mushroom

We have used Chaga medicinal mushroom in this recipe, but feel free to use *any* of our medicinal mushrooms, they will all work a treat. Vegan, refined sugar- and  gluten-free, this recipe is deluxe, you’re going to love it.

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Duxelle de la Mushroom