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Lifestyle Practices for Autumn & the Lung Metal Element

These are some of our favourite practices to transition into the descending Yin movement of Autumn, and embrace the transformative energy of this special season as it accumulates in the Lung system.  

Autumn is upon us, and with it comes the time to let go of what no longer serves our minds and our bodies. Autumn is embodied in nature as a time of release and reflection, personified by the cooling and condensing of energy. Like the leaves being released from their lifeline of the tree, and the decay of Spring and Summer's blooms, nature shows us, elegantly and beautifully, how to let go.


SuperFeast Autumn Lifestyle Practices


Autumn allows us to rest now in stillness and receptivity. The peak of expression will come around again; the Yang will always follow the Yin. But notice how collectively we struggle to yield to the Yin, to the darker, slower, less externally-focused aspects of life. 


The Autumn season is aligned with the Lung and Large Intestine organ-meridian pairs (note how they personify release, purification and refinement), and is governed by the Metal element. Ancient Taoists noticed that condensation would be captured at the bottom of their copper pots, before it would coalesce and later release. The Metal element attracts the water, purifies it and then releases the water into our Seat of Wisdom, getting us ready for the Winter Water months where we need an accumulation of Water (Yin) so we can resonate with this ultimate season of Yin, stillness and rest.


SuperFeast Autumn Lifestyle Practices


We hope to share with you the ways to connect to nature, to the trees and the moon, and information to help you transition smoothly through Autumn, and find your own rhythm with the seasons and cycles of nature. 

The Metal Element 

Corresponding with the Lungs, the Metal element is associated with the process of letting go of what no longer serves us, whilst learning and integrating the lessons contained within our experiences. Many of us can become stuck in the emotions we have experienced, and instead of learning the lessons and moving on, we energetically hold on and remain locked into the past. The Lungs are said to be the ‘Seat of Wisdom’ in Chinese Medicine, thus the act of breathing deeply, releasing stagnant attachments and emotions, and extracting the lessons from those experiences embody the element of Metal, and cultivate wisdom from within. 


SuperFeast Lifestyle Practices


Lifestyle Practices for Autumn 

By supporting the Lungs and their function with breathing practices and gentle movement, we support their ability to let go of the gripes and judgements from the previous year, and invigorate the body with new energy. These are some of our favourite practices to transition into the descending Yin movement of Autumn, and embrace the transformative energy of this special season as it accumulates in the Lung system. 

  • Yin Yoga
  • Breath work
  • Pranayama 
  • Qi Gong
  • Journaling and reflection
  • Cardiovascular activities
  • Dry body-brushing 
  • Meditation (We love the Taoist 6 Healing Sounds)
  • Reorganise, clean and donate anything you no longer need in your home etc. 
  • Slow walks out in nature 

    It’s also important to begin cultivating strong and resilient immunity as we begin our descent into the Winter. Ensuring that we are keeping rugged up and warm, protecting the neck, feet and lower back (our Kidneys) with cosy socks and slippers, scarves and long shirts and sweaters. 


    Dive deeper into the Lung Metal Season

    Podcast Episode 156: Autumn: The Metal Element, Lungs & Nature with Mason and Tahnee

    Podcast Episode 111: Herbs & Practices for Autumn with Mason & Tahnee Taylor


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