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Transitioning from Winter to Spring

Ever struggle with the seasonal shifts? Mood changes, allergies, just feeling a! Don't worry, we've got a few tips for you that can help your transition from winter to spring. Read on :)

Ever struggle with the seasonal shifts? Mood changes, allergies, just feeling a! Don't worry, we've got a few tips for you that can help your transition from winter to spring. Read on :)

Flowers are starting to bloom, the smell of freshly mown grass is in the air, the birds are extra chirpy… which can only mean one thing!


The transition from winter to spring can be tricky for some, but we can follow the cues from nature to ensure we reap the benefits of this beautiful seasonal change. Like the folks from the Taoist tradition, observing nature can provide so many relevant and true insights. Easy example – spring is when the flower buds start to open and emerge, from their dormancy; like us, as we shake off those cobwebs and emerge from our insulated winter shelters. Because during winter, it is a-ok to be sleeping a bit extra; we prioritise sleep at SuperFeast HQ.


But spring is a time for renewal, it’s a time for shifting gears from our inward facing, hibernation practices during winter, to something more proactive and creative - a time for opportunity and growth. This could mean many things for you – maybe it’s starting that project you have been putting off, reconnecting with friends and family, getting creative in the kitchen and trying new recipes or starting a movement practice to reinvigorate the mind and body. It really is like the clichéd butterfly emerging from her safe, warm, secure cocoon. 


For the Chinese, traditionally there are known to be five elements and each element helps explain all of nature’s phenomena – including the seasons. Wood is the element reflecting spring. During winter, wood is relatively dormant, stable and quiet, as it hibernates from the cold. When spring appears, there is a surge, a rising in energy. Somewhat of a rebirth. This is also a time of vision :)


Practically speaking, spring is the time to support our detoxification organs, we’re talking our beautiful liver and our lymphatic system, which have been relatively stagnant over the winter period.


So, Let's Make This Transition Easy

Some tips for your transition from winter to spring:

  • Try lighter meals. The body no longer needs the nourishing and hearty carb-loaded stews and roasts, but rather, lighter, fresher, greener fare
  • Give your gorgeous (and over-worked) liver some extra lovin' and take its detoxing ability to the next level:  Schisandra
  • Take advantage of this time of growth, we love journaling, mind mapping, manifestation meditations and positive visualizations
  • Take some time to appreciate the change in season, look out for the fresh new buds emerging in the garden, take time to hear the birds, make sure you open your windows to let that beautiful, fresh spring air into your home
  • Suffer from hay fever? This is generally linked to the liver, would you believe! Our mate schisandra will be helping you with this already, but reishi is the number one tonic herb for helping these symptoms. Try your reishi in fresh ginger tea (a natural antihistamine and powerful anti-inflammatory herb)
  • Spring cleaning your home will help you get rid of old items that may be weighing you down and can provide an extra pep in your step as you welcome the new season, it's clichéd but true!
  • SuperFeast founder Mason loves his morning trampoline bounce to get that lymph moving, rebounding is gentle on the joints, fun and easy – 10 minutes daily will ensure you are helping invigorate your lymphatic system to help flush stagnate debris and toxins.


Enjoy this time of reawakening and creativity. We’d love to hear about your transitioning into the new season. This transformative time might be supported by our podcast Transformation with Tonic Herbalism. And maybe you're having some skin issues due to the seasonal effects, we've got you covered with some tips here. 

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Deer Antler Farm - SuperFeast Adventures in China

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Deer Antler Farm - SuperFeast Adventures in China - SuperFeast