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A Message To Your 90-yo Self

We're all about staying in the present, but today, we want you thinking about your future self...

We're all about staying in the present, but today, we want you thinking about your future self...

No matter how far into the future being 90 years old is for you, (or maybe you are already there, so a big hello to you wonderful elders checking out tonic herbalism websites!), thinking about how we want to feel in our elder years *now*, may guide us to smarter decisions in our day to day lives.

Which leads us to the topic of Jing. The foundational, core energy we are born with. Today Mase specifically talks about Jing Essence and why this concept is so important for our future selves.

Tune into the video to hear about:

  • Jing energy and it living in our Kidneys (notice the capital - refers to the entire Kidney system, including the energetics, and not just the physical kidney)

  • How Jing energy determines our genetic potential, our libido and overall zest for life

  • How our excessive ways of living in the Western world, results in us 'leaking' our Jing reserves

  • How to really rock life at 90 years old


The key takeaway? Consider having a Jing herb in your diet, constantly. Both your current, and future self will love you for it ;P If you want a deeper  dive into  Jing  Essence and how you can create it, check our How To Cultivate Jing Energy.

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Mushroom Coffee Recipe (video)

In case you haven’t noticed, mushroom coffee has permeated the mainstream and the beautiful message has finally landed that adding tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms to an intense stimulant like coffee has the ability balance the brew.

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Mushroom Coffee Recipe (video)