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Mushroom Coffee Recipe (video)

In case you haven’t noticed, mushroom coffee has permeated the mainstream and the beautiful message has finally landed that adding tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms to an intense stimulant like coffee has the ability balance the brew.


I’m not a coffee-a-day kind of guy, but man, I do enjoy slowly sipping a cup of black liquid gold now and then, especially when it’s got some medicinal mushroom powder gold added in there. (Check out our article on how to incorporate mushies into your coffee).

In case you haven’t noticed, mushroom coffee has permeated the mainstream and the beautiful message has finally landed that adding tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms to an intense stimulant like coffee has the ability balance the brew. 


Medicinal mushrooms have nervous system toning compounds that stop excessive stimulation that lead to jitters and nervousness.


They bring adrenal-nourishing adaptogens into the body to prevent a cascade of cortisol. This means you’ll have longer lasting energy, better brain function and all the benefits of the wonderful herb that is coffee, while avoiding the post-coffee crash. 


Turning your daily brew into a mushroom coffee tonic elixir pours adaptogens into the body that help it maintain a state of balance.


The mushie medicine can ride on the coattails of the coffee and penetrate the body’s tissue deeper in its state of openness; this in turn allows the mushrooms to further balance any excessive stimulation at a core endocrine/nervous system level, as well as drive in those immune-enhancing compounds deep for the full medicinal mushroom benefits.


The following recipe is simple and very effective. You’ll notice the dose is 1 tsp of mushies which is a brilliant daily maintenance dose to ensure you’ll get long term accumulative benefits of the medicinal mushrooms. 


We carry around mushrooms in our bags and add our own or ask the barista to throw it in. If you’re lucky, your local café carries SuperFeast herbs and you can ask them to throw in a “Shamanic” dose (at least a tsp) so you get the max benefits (if they don’t, give ‘em a nudge). 


There are lots of pre-made mushie coffee products hitting the market right now.


My opinion is that most (and definitely the main ones out there) are using doses way too small to justify calling them a mushroom elixir/coffee (and to justify the price!) - it’s way better to be in direct control of the dose of herbs you are taking daily, as the tonic herbs are a very important part of our longterm health.


Give the recipe a try and let me know what you think.


Mushroom Coffee (Café de Máson)

Long black (or black brewed coffee)

1 tsp masons mushrooms (or any mushie you like!)

Dollop of biodynamic or raw cream

Order your long black with a side of pouring cream (if they don’t have it, first drop your jaw, for it’s silly for a café not to have cream, then just ask for warm milk of your choice on the side). Add your dose of mushies to the coffee, stir 'til completely dissolved then add a good dollop of cream. Enjoy slowly and allow the mushroom medicine to penetrate your body deeply, and offer some gratitude for their magic.  

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