Show Your Kidneys LOVE: the JING Love Tea Recipe
What a gorgeous, gentle and very romantic elixir we have for you today...
Introducing the JING Love Tea. It's floral, light and zesty. A perfect addition to your #30daysofJING Challenge, there is no caffeine in this delicious and simple elixir.
Love up your adrenals and Kidneys with this gorgeous, floral-ly warming tea. The hit of ginger is especially lovely for the colder months, to warm the entire body. Get your digestion going too with the pinch of fennel seeds. Featuring the JING blend, this blend contains potent Jing herbs to support the continuation of the Essence of your Jing stores.
1/4 - 1tsp JING blend
Zest 1/2 an orange
Thumb of ginger, grated (heaped teaspoon)
Handful of dried rose petals
Generous teaspoon of fennel seeds, hunks broken in a mortar and pestle
Honey (optional)
How To Create:
- Zest, ginger, fennel, rose into a tea pot with 300mls of boiling water
- Brew for 3mins
- Strain into a mug, add JING, stir in
- Add 1/2 tsp of honey
- Sip the magic
If you are particularly interested in your adrenal and Kidney health, then our JING blend is a good place to start. We encourage our community to try the #30daysofJING Challenge. But essentially, we suggest adding Jing herbs to your life for 30 days and, for an even bigger regenerative support, cut (or lower) your stimulants.