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#30DaysofJING Diary July 19-July 25


July 19

The day I need JING the most I forget it!

Last night, I stayed at my mom’s because I had to be at the office earlier than usual on my in-person workday. I live an hour and a half from my second job. Due to my narcolepsy, it is not wise for me to drive long distances in the morning, late at night, or when I’m tired.

My stepdad is a truck driver and left for work at 5:45am and as he left, I woke up. But guess what?!? I couldn’t go back to bed. So, I got about 5 hours of sleep. And I forgot my JING at my house an hour and a half away! 

At one point in the day, my boss asked me what was wrong and I was like... “I only slept 5 hours last night.” By the end of my workday, I was nauseous and my face was tingly because I was so tired. I nearly fell asleep on my way back to my mom's house. I decided that it was safest to stay at her house for another night. I was so tired that I fell asleep in my clothes on the couch. 

Energy levels: My energy level is low today. 

Sleep quality: I slept for about 5 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had low brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was high today.


July 20

I did not have JING till about 6 pm last night because I was still at my mom’s. And let me tell you, I was exhausted! Between driving the hour and a half home, lunch with family, and my grocery run, I didn’t get to sit down until 4 pm. 

I came upon a huge realization the last few days without my JING. JING helps. I perform better when I incorporate it daily. For context, I need to go deeper into my story.

Since I was a child, I have suffered from severe exhaustion. I required a lot of sleep and if I didn’t get enough sleep, I would misbehave. In middle school, my teachers did not yell at me for falling asleep in class because they knew how much I struggled with sleep. In college, I would commonly fall asleep during lectures. There would be times I would be taking notes and fall asleep. You could see in my notes where I drifted off. I would crash after class and basically go into a sleep coma for four or so hours. I couldn’t wake myself up after an hour as a normal person does. I slept during the day as much as some people sleep at night. 

I started getting concerned about two years ago and went to the doctor. They sent me a referral, but the doctor never got back to me. I struggled with severe brain fog and not being able to focus. 

In October 2020, I talked to the doctor about it again and he sent me for a referral. I did not hear back from the doctor until the following March or April. I scheduled an appointment the next day and soon went for a sleep study. 

To be a narcoleptic, you have to fall asleep for a nap in under 8 minutes. I fell asleep in a minute and a half! The doctor prescribed me a stimulant to keep me awake.

Within days, the difference was night and day. I didn’t realize how much I turned my brain off and had no thoughts to conserve energy. My brain fog started to lift. Within weeks, it started to come back. I was tired during the day again and it was affecting my daily life. 

I was approached about doing this diary series for JING. I honestly didn’t believe I would get results, but dang, I did! On days I don’t take JING, I get tired easily. With my morning JING, I usually add Neural Nectar too. On days I don’t take Neural Nectar, I struggle more with brain fog and being able to do complex thinking tasks like writing a long blog post. 

I am so thankful for JING and Neural Nectar. With them, I have been able to decrease my coffee intake by a cup per day, function better, and I have also been able to hold off on increasing my stimulant prescription.


Energy levels: My energy level is medium today. 

Sleep quality: I slept for about 11 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had low brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was medium today.

Well I got busy with life and dropped the ball with writing the last few diary entries.I am going to write a kinda bulk diary entry today. A lot of what I have been focusing on the last few days besides getting work stuff done is my nutrition. My second job is an hour and a half from home and I go into the office about once a week currently. I usually end up getting fast food or something similar because I’m so busy. Well on Monday I spent $20USD on eating out and it wasn’t even quality food or even semi healthy. 


So the last few days I have been focusing on finding and buying convenient and healthy snacks. I went to Aldi and Costco. Besides pre-made snackies I got some cheese, meat, and crackers, some bell peppers, and stuff to make sandwiches. I then made bags that I could just grab and go with. The things I got aren’t perfect options but they are better than what I was eating. Hopefully eating a little cleaner and not eating fast food on the way to and from work will help my energy levels. Oh, and save me a little money.


July 21

Energy levels: My energy level is high today. 

Sleep quality: I slept for about 11 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had low brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was extremely high today.


July 22

Energy levels: My energy level is high today. 

Sleep quality: I slept for about 9 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had low brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was medium today.


July 23

Energy levels: My energy level is medium today. 

Sleep quality: I slept for about 8 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had low brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was high today.


July 24


Today, I headed to my mom’s house to stay for 5 days for work and a little fun. I started my day off early with the JING blend in my coffee. Then, I did some chores, dropped my dog off at my dad’s, took my bags to my mom’s, and then headed to work. Today, the area I work in was having a sidewalk sale and I was asked to run our booth. 


It was hot and humid. I focused a lot on hydration today. Once again, I brought my own food to work. I was let off of work early because it was so hot and there was not a lot of foot traffic due to the heat. 


I headed back to my mom’s for a little rest before getting ready for dinner with one of my friends from university. We found the most perfect popsicle place that makes amazing healthy gourmet popsicles. It was delicious. I headed home for the evening and rested before my mom's birthday party on Sunday. 


Energy levels: My energy level is high today. 

Sleep quality: I slept for about 9 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had low brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was high today.


July 25

Friday was my mom's birthday and we celebrated by having a day on the lake. I will spare you the details, but there was a lot of drinking involved. I tried to focus on drinks with low sugar and make sure I stayed hydrated. I drank 40 ounces of filtered water in my reusable bottle, 48 ounces of electrolyte water, and 32 ounces of bottled water. I brought my own snacks because I am a little picky and I wanted some healthy snacks. I focused on clean protein, besides my snacks. It was a good day and I had lots of energy.


Energy levels: My energy level is high today. 

Sleep quality: I slept for about 10 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had low brain fog today. 


Want to read the other parts? Click here to read week 1, week 2, week 3, and week 5.

Productivity: My productivity was high today.

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Golden Spiced, Ginger-Berry Super Smoothie

Pour into a chilled glass or mason jar then top with coconut flakes, chia seeds, bee pollen & edible flowers if desired.

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Golden Spiced, Ginger-Berry Super Smoothie