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#30DaysofJING Diary July 5th-11th


July 5

Today was totally not my day. I decided to eat breakfast before work. I had Chai Spiced Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie, and let me tell you, I was full! By the time I had to leave for work, I wasn’t hungry. I had planned to eat before work and was unsure if they had a microwave since I am so new, so I decided to get a snack beforehand. 


Guess what I couldn’t find around my work? Somewhere open for a snack. So let's just say I only had a smoothie till 4:30pm. I was physically drained. I was hungry. My brain was exhausted and I needed fuel badly. It threw off everything in my day going forward. 


Energy levels: My energy level was high at the beginning of the day then low because I didn’t eat

Sleep quality: I slept deeply for about 9 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I did have brain fog this afternoon because I did not eat lunch. 

Productivity: My productivity was high today even though I had brain fog.

July 6

Today, I am physically and emotionally drained. Yesterday was my second in-person day at my other job, IndyFringe Music Festival. The drive is an hour and fifteen minutes one way. I slept till 10 and awoke to my dad knocking on my front door. I, then, sat on the couch in my bathrobe for a while and got a little work done. Then, I dressed and ran to my grandma’s house down the road to look through some kid’s toys she had. That spiraled to me eating lunch there, going to get her groceries, and then picking up dinner for her and my grandpa. 


I got home and was exhausted, but had meetings soon. So I chilled out for a few minutes then made a cup of coffee with JING since I realized I had forgotten to take it this morning. 

Energy levels: My energy level is low today. I am exhausted

Sleep quality: I slept deeply for about 8 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had severe brain fog today.

Productivity: My productivity has been really low today.


July 7

How in the world is it day 7 already?!?!?! 


Today, I woke up on schedule and had my coffee with some JING in it. With my brother and I’s work schedule, we haven’t been able to see our mom much. So, we started our day by going to lunch with her. After lunch, we got some Starbucks because I was exhausted and my mom had a giftcard. 


The day was mostly okay. I was just a bit emotional, but it was an okay day. 


Energy levels: My energy level was high today, but emotions affected it and resulted in a low energy level.

Sleep quality: I slept deeply for about 9 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I did not have brain fog today.

Productivity: My productivity was low today. I was really restless. 


July 8

Today, I started the day with coffee and JING. A lot of times, I add Neural Nectar to my coffee, too. But this week, for some reason, I haven’t. And let me tell you... I can definitely tell. I have been tired with a lot of brain fog and an inability to focus. 


Energy levels: My energy level is medium-low today. 

Sleep quality: I slept deeply for about 9 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had severe brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was really low today.


July 9

Today is Friday. My main goal is to create the schedule for a music festival that I am involved in. Meaning, I need all the brainpower today! So, of course, I put JING and Neural Nectar in my coffee. I have Narcolepsy, which is a type of chronic fatigue disorder that affects your sleep and brain function. It results in brain fog, trouble thinking straight, and concentration. That is why the JING challenge is so important to me. I have really seen a difference in my concentration and brain fog since starting to use JING.


Energy levels: My energy level is medium-low today. 

Sleep quality: I slept deeply for about 11 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had severe brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was medium today.



Today was a tiring day. I have been very emotional lately, and it is completely exhausting. I need all the energy I can get! I had two cups of coffee today and kind of feel like I need a third. It’s 9:30 P.M. and I still have a long to-do list to complete. 


My day involved chasing my nieces and nephews around, breakfast with my dad, and a graduation party for a dear friend.


Energy levels: My energy level is medium-high today. 

Sleep quality: I slept deeply for about 11 hours last night. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had medium brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was low today.


July 11

I like to think of Sundays as family days. Last night, I had my nieces and nephew over for a sleepover. I do this quite often, but usually, I am exhausted after. This time, I didn’t hibernate for the rest of the day. Instead, I accomplished what I needed to get done. I had dinner with my dad on his back porch. Afterward, I went to my grandma’s and helped her pack for my grandpa's upcoming trip. By the time I got home, I was exhausted and had a long to-do list to complete. Part of me really wanted coffee but, instead, I listened to my body who really wanted a tall glass of water.


Energy levels: My energy level is high today

Sleep quality: I slept for about 8 hours last night. I tossed and turned a lot. There was a five-year-old in my bed and I always worry about the kids at night when they are here. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had light brain fog today. 

Productivity: My productivity was medium today. It wasn’t really a workday, more focused on family.


Weekly Wrap-Up

This week I am adding a new feature to the diary entries. I bring to you the weekly wrap-up. The weekly wrap-up will include a summary of the week, any improvements or declines, and what I want to focus on the next week.


Summary of Week

Energy levels: My energy level was medium this week.

Sleep quality: I slept for an average of 8 hours a night this week. 

Clearness of thoughts: I had medium to severe brain fog this week. 

Productivity: My productivity was low this week.


Any Improvements or Declines This Week

This week my improvement was I kept it to only 2 cups of coffee a day. I am down from 3 cups a day. My decline this week was low to medium energy, medium to severe brain fog, and low productivity. 


What I Want To Focus On Next Week

Today, I realized I wasn’t drinking enough water which may be why I am not having good energy levels and brain fog this week. So, this week I will also be tracking how much water I am drinking. My goal is 80 ounces a day. I know that’s not near enough but I have barely been drinking 40 ounces a day, which is terrible. So, water is my priority this week.

Want to read the other parts? Click here to read week 1, week 3, week 4, and week 5.

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Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Thickshake

Makes a nice tall, subtly sweet, deliciously indulgent, secretly healthy, creamy, dreamy, seriously chocolatey peanut butter infused thickshake.

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Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Thickshake