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Are You Dehydrated? Hydrate with Tracy Duhs (EP#118)

Tracy Duhs is a modern wellness hydration expert who has devoted her life to helping people awaken their vitality and feel alive. Her education and healing work is underpinned by the belief that our cells have their own innate intelligence, and by removing the obstacles for healing, giving the body the building blocks for biogenesis, and allowing our cells to do what they know how to do, we can thrive in good health.

Tracy Duhs is a modern wellness hydration expert who has devoted her life to helping people awaken their vitality and feel alive. An educator, founder of two naturopathic clinics, and host of the podcast 'Hydrate with Tracy Duhs'; Through research on the vibrational frequency of the voice, sound, and how it affects our immune system, Tracy's approach to healing took a turning point. "I found out that our bodies are 98.9% water molecules, and water is the source-receiver of all information that we're in contact with. I realised that the words I was saying, and thoughts I was thinking we're imprinting the body of water that I am". For a deeper understanding of this theory, you needn't look any further than Dr. Masaru Emoto's work around crystals formed in frozen water and the changes that occur when concentrated thoughts are directed towards them. Emoto discovered that water from clear springs and water exposed to loving words showed radiant, complex, and colourful snowflake patterns. Contrastingly, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, formed incomplete patterns with dull colours. Tracy's education and healing work is underpinned by the belief that our cells have their own innate intelligence, and by removing the obstacles for healing, giving the body the building blocks for biogenesis, and allowing our cells to do what they know how to do, we can thrive in good health. In this energised chat, Mason and Tracy discuss the nature and different qualities of water, with Tracy giving her best guidance on how to access mineral-rich water, build back up filtered water, and the types of adulterated, traumatised water we should avoid. Be sure to tune in for this epic information, and so much more!


"Everything we put in our body is sending a message to our cells, delivering a message to the body of water that we are".


Mason and Tracy discuss:

  • Eating for hydration.
  • Quinton and its benefits.
  • The fourth phase of water.
  • Deuterium depleted water.
  • The crystalline structure of water.
  • Hydration through your movement.
  • The benefits of molecular hydrogen.
  • Creating a hydration focused lifestyle.
  • Why hydration is not just about water.
  • Gratefulness to build up the structure of water in our body.
  • Filtered water; Not as good for your health as you may think.
  • Metabolic water; The purest most deuterium depleted, structured water there is. 


Who is Tracy Duhs?

Tracy believes that optimal health is a fundamental right for all humanity, not just a privilege for a select few. Helping people activate their vitality and feel alive has been Tracy’s lifelong mission. Growing up in a missionary home cultivated her profound sense of compassion and her desire to educate on the simple foundations needed to look and feel our best. By the time she was 15, Tracy had already begun her undergraduate education in medicine. At 16, Tracy shadowed a missionary doctor working in an indigenous village in Guatemala, where she gained hands-on surgical and medical training. The time she spent there opened her eyes and enlarged her heart, to the need for holistic wellness education and foundations. After her experience in Guatemala, Tracy decided to forgo a traditional allopathic medical career in favor of one that focused on regenerative care and education. When Tracy became a mother, her professional path took a personal turn. Her first child, Grace, was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroid and alopecia universalis at the age of two. Emboldened by her daughter’s struggle, Tracy began her journey into hydration education by pursuing a Ph.D. in the field of biogenetics as well as shadowing doctors from all around the globe to learn their different approaches to disease. It was through these experiences that Tracy became passionate about hydration, realising the power it has to transform overall health and wellness in everyone. Today, Tracy works as a modern wellness advocate specialising in the restorative powers of intelligent hydration. She has parlayed her wealth of experience and knowledge into a multi-dimensional career in wellness advocacy and education, starting with her podcast, HYDRATE. Tracy frequently consults large corporations and hotels to help build and facilitate wellness experiences. She also serves as the Director of the International Brain Summit. Tracy is the founder of the Sanctuary Wellness Experience in San Diego and co-founder of Hydrate Sanctuary.





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Hydrate with Tracy podcast
Hydrate with Tracy Duhs (Book)

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Check Out The Transcript Here:


Mason: (00:00)

Tracy, thanks so much for joining me.


Tracy Duhs: (00:02)

Thank you for having me on. So lovely to connect. Isn't it fun how we can connect all the way across the world just through quantum physics, right?


Mason: (00:13)

Yeah. It's not going to be too long and we won't need all the technology to do it. So I think it's going to be like internal holograms, it's going to be the psychic connections, we're going to get too hydrated, we're going to get too mineralized. And I think I was wanting to talk about, I'm pretty sure I haven't read your book, but I'm pretty sure what you're saying is if you stay hydrated, you're going to be able to talk to people through your psychic abilities. Is that right?


Tracy Duhs: (00:43)

Something like that. How did you know? You're psychic enough to know what I wrote before I wrote it.


Mason: (00:47)

I'm hydrated. What can I say? Yeah, I'm really excited about getting my paws on your book as well, because it's really funny. I am a big fan of the Dr. Batmanghelidj books. I don't know if you're aware of those, but it's been so long since I feel like someone's like Viktor Schauberger, Batmanghelidj. And then I was like, there's no one really honing in on board or writing a good book dedicated to water in my sphere anyway. And then you came across my feed or someone mentioned your name. And I was like, "Awesome." Everyone in my community's been craving us to talk about water more. And I just haven't had the right people to bounce off with. So I'm really excited to get your book and really excited about this chat as well.


Tracy Duhs: (01:38)

Well, same here. Super excited to talk about it. Right our bodies are 98.9% water molecules if we're not talking about it. That's what I couldn't understand was the same thing like there weren't a lot of people talking more about it.


Mason: (01:53)

I think everyone just brushes over it. And just it's like, yeah, cool, hydrated. Good. But let's talk about a couple of the reasons why you decided to go down and that acquiesce rabbit hole and focused on it, because, as we say, not many people are doing it, you've looked at it and gone. You could do what lots of other people do, which is like, yeah. And remember it's one of the pillars, stay hydrated and then go and focus on diet or whatever else it is. But why did I write a book on it? And why is your podcast called hydrate? What were those little facts or things that made you commit?


Tracy Duhs: (02:40)

Yeah, that's a great question, Mason. Because I have been obsessed with health and wellness since I was really young and really into the diet and exercise and taking supplements and doing all the things. But I was having my own crucible story crisis of hell at a very young age in my early 20s, just not having a lot of energy, having severe complicated migraines which passed out and just different things happening that I knew that there had to be something more beyond just eating healthy and drinking water and working out. And so when I got pregnant for my daughter, Grace, when I was in my early 20s, I was having severe thirst. I could not quench my thirst no matter how much water I drink. And I didn't have gestational diabetes, all of my blood panels, pathology, everything came back healthy.


Tracy Duhs: (03:50)

So I started to notice that the different water I drink, whether it was mountain spring or filter, I would feel more hydrated depending on what kind of water I was drinking. So that just got me interested in, oh, not all water is created the same, right? Just having purified clean water wasn't hydrating me. So that just started taking me down the rabbit hole, because once you start studying water, you realise that you could study it for the rest of your life and never even scratch the surface. It's just so deep and wide. And it excited me. Once I found out that our bodies were 98.9% water molecules and water is the source receiver of all information that comes in contact with. So even if I have my cell phone next to my cup of water, it's sending that information and my water is receiving that information from the frequency that my phone is sending out.


Tracy Duhs: (04:56)

And there's so much. Our body is a body of water. It's surprising to think that we're 98.9% water molecules we're not a puddle of water on the floor. It's just so interesting when you really start to dig into it. So yeah, I think it was more from myself, a crisis of health and really wanting to thrive and be healthy and realising how important hydration wasn't that drinking water was just such a small fraction of the story for hydration.


Mason: (05:35)

The best topic, I imagine you’d be getting into that area. I don't know whether you'd love it or can't stand it, but talking about different types of water and the quality of different types of water or the superiority, inferiority. Oh my gosh! I've just gone brain dead this morning. Inferiority of particular types of water. I'm going to come out just straight out because it's the most frequent question we get. And then there's like, what type of water do you drink? Or what's the best type of water?


Tracy Duhs: (06:08)

Yeah. Well, that's a loaded question in my opinion, because there's just so much when you really get into it. And when I start talking about that, it gets so complex and it goes over people's heads. So most of your listeners I'm sure are really interested in health and wellness and they have a more educated background on that than the average person. But I think that it's important just to go back to the basics and if we can improve hydration just a little bit from what people are doing, then we can keep building on that. Right?


Tracy Duhs: (06:46)

So I'll start with the basics. The worst water to drink is filtered water by itself, because it lacks minerals and it has... Especially when you just drink reverse osmosis water or any type of water that has been filtered, it usually has it's dissonant. There isn't coherence in it. There isn't a structure to it. And water has many aspects to it. It has the chemical aspects, the physical aspect, the bio-energetic aspect. And so when I start with the chemistry of it, we want to make sure water is pure. If you go to other countries and there's pathogens in the water or things that are not good for us chemically, then we understand that, that can make us sick. So it is important to filter water. If you are getting tap water or something, you want to filter it, but it's important to break water down and then build it back up.


Tracy Duhs: (07:58)

Water has been so adulterated, it's been so traumatised through all of the things that we do to it to process it. And it's really important that we take the water and we're mindful of let's break it down from all the things that have been done to it and build it back up the way nature naturally would. So yes, we want to filter out all of the contamination in the water, and then we want to build it back up with by adding minerals to the water. And that's really important for helping bring structure back into the water, crystalline structure. If you look at a crystal, it's minerals, right? The crystalline structure in the water, we don't want unstructured water, because every thing that we're putting into our body is sending a message to ourselves. It's delivering a message to the body of water that we are.


Tracy Duhs: (08:57)

And when you really think of it that way, it's like, "Oh my gosh! The kind of water I drink is so important." And it can be quite confusing, but I say just if you're at the grocery store, stay away from filtered water. If you're just like, "I want to buy a bottle of water," look for spring water in a glass bottle. And that's the simplest way to start. Go to the grocery store, do not pass by all the ones that say filtered, pure, alkaline, unless it's alkaline because it's coming from a natural mineral source. You don't want some processed water that was made into alkaline water. You want to stay away from all that. Just go for natural spring water, glacier water.


Mason: (09:51)

That's like straight up. I think hearing you talk, then in the past, I've probably one that's gone and complicated it heavily. Even though I just spent so many years just only drinking spring water that I had harvested myself, I think I realised, especially once I had my own child and I started being a little bit more empathetic for someone listening who's in the city. They don't need me creating some grandiose, rule based way of approaching hydration. Right?


Tracy Duhs: (10:26)

Right. Yeah. And then it goes like, okay, so just get some good water in you. And then to really activate hydration, we want to go into the other steps. We want to make sure our mitochondria are healthy. We want to make sure we're moving so that all of that fluid gets into the fascia and the tissues. And when we're stagnant, things pool and they're not moving and they're not getting our joints healthy and lubricated. And so there's a lot that goes into hydration and I think it can be so overwhelming for people. So I just like to break it down and make it simple. And then we can talk about the more details as people can receive it, because I think it can become so overwhelming for people. And they're like, "I just don't know the right thing to do and..."


Mason: (11:23)

Especially when you've been asked to take that leap and invest the $2,000 in this filter and that filter.


Tracy Duhs: (11:30)

Right. And then someone tells you, "Why did you get that filter? That's the worst one you could have done or that machine that does this to your water, it's actually making it worse." And then people do get overwhelmed.


Mason: (11:44)

It is overwhelming. And I've been in that position where I'm the person that's just looking at that filter. And I'm like I've done a lot of research around water throughout the years, but that's also come from a purist bias around sourcing spring water myself. And so I've sat there going, alright Mason, I don't want to be that guy. I don't want to be the burst in the bubble guy. And I also don't want to not tell them how I think about the filter, but then I had to get to the point. I'm like, all right, you're not the bloody expert on water. All right, mate. So stop thinking like you've got the answer and you're the one that has to drop the truth bomb on these people.


Tracy Duhs: (12:26)

Yeah. Right.


Mason: (12:26)

Doing the best they can.


Tracy Duhs: (12:28)

And no one truly has the answer. We are really just now learning so much about water. Gerald Pollack, less than 10 years ago, discovered the fourth phase of water. If you think about that, it's just like, "Whoa, how did we not know that?" We're learning more every single day. And especially as our environment changes and there's more non-native electromagnetic frequencies around us, we have to protect that because we realise that those non-native EMFs are deep polarising our cells. And when you depolarize the cell, you're actually liquefying the inside of the cell, the cytoplasm, which should be that gel like structure that is that fourth phase of water inside the cell. It starts to denature, starts to lose its structure. And that's when they say that you're holding your cell phone, it's literally liquefying the inside of your cells. And once it loses that structure, our body is doesn't have that charge. The cellular communication’s inhibited. And once the cells can't talk to each other, they're not able to do their job as requested.


Mason: (13:46)

Right. It's such a great reminder. When you get into your head and you try and find the right answer rather than dropping in and going, what's my intention here with my hydration strategy or with the way that my lifestyle revolves around water and to just come back, yes, we've got non-natives, EMFs, we've got our 5G's and we've got our phones and we've got our laptops and it's all smashing us. And it's like on that side of things, it's the same as like the herbs, the Qing Gong and everything. We talk about creating a sovereignty that you can throw off anything that's not your natural frequency. And that's the intention whether or not there is even all this technological shit-storm around us. I think it's a really beautiful way. It's really refreshing to hear you approach it from that direction. It's rewarding straightaway.


Tracy Duhs: (14:43)

Yeah, it is. And then the thing that just started getting me so excited, I went back to do research to get my PhD. And my research was on the vibrational frequency of the voice and the sound and how that affects our immune system. And that was the turning point that shifted my life was realising that the words I was saying were imprinting the body of water that I am and the thoughts that I think imprint the body of water than I am. And not only that they affect the people around me, those thoughts, those words. And I'm responsible for that. To be a sovereign human being, it's important that we take accountability and responsibility for the words we're saying and the thoughts we're thinking and how we impact, not just our own body of water, but everyone around us. And once I started to realise that, it changed everything for me, the way I felt about the world, the way I perceived the world, the way I saw myself and starting to take that responsibility realising that gratitude truly is our superpower is truly one of our greatest weapons of defence.


Tracy Duhs: (16:06)

And that is when we're grateful, it's almost like we are literally building up the structure of water in our body. We're able to help ourselves communicate more effectively. We're charging ourselves. And it's like, that's why I'm like, okay, water is important. The kind of water we drink is very important. But equally as important is how we're living our life and the thoughts we're thinking and what we're doing and the food we're eating, the conversations we're in, the non-native EMF. It's like that's why I started this podcast Hydrate Podcast, because it's like the hydrate life is like pretty much everything that we do is affecting the body of water that we are.


Mason: (16:56)

Well, you brought up what I just keep on thinking is, of course, we get bogged down in the detail and the surface of a conversation, the superficial of the conversation, which is how many glasses of water should I be drinking a day of what type? And that's literally the tip of the iceberg. I can just hear you go straight into talking about the fascia and that system, which is regulating distribution of water all over the body. And then bringing up, it's water can take on a crystalline structure, it can take on that fourth phase. And it is in the fascia and the intracellular fluid where we see that fourth phase come to life. And therefore we always see that become a communication organ of the body.


Mason: (17:48)

So you think that. It's not just about how many glasses, of what size based on your body weight, are you drinking a day? There's this whole other lifestyle that goes into brilliant guide. That's, of course, the gratitude pace and our thoughts as well as just thinking about, is your fascia stuck and stagnant? Is it not being stretched? Is it not being moved? I saw your bellicon rebounders were converted. Yes.


Tracy Duhs: (18:17)

Love it. Love jumping on my bellicon every morning.


Mason: (18:23)

I just think it's a nice refreshing reminder for me for someone that can get really heady. And it's just remembering that sometimes you let go of the goal or the rule and you're just sinking and you just find that lifestyle that keeps all the waters going and keeps everything functioning. I think it's really cool and people need to hear that rather than some of the previous books have talked about, like with the Batmanghelidj books which are really great, but they're like, this is how dehydration is creating this disease and this disease and this disease and this disease, which is really sobering, just seeing how much of disease state is really allowed to manifest because of chronic dehydration.


Mason: (19:12)

But then at some point, yes, there's the remedy of hydration, but at some point we need to get out of a problem solution, remedying fixing something that's wrong mentality and really let it just sink into something within our personal culture and our personal lifestyle flow. So I'm really keen to hear more about that and just how you relate to your hydration through your movement. And then of course, I've got a lot of supplementation questions to ask, but is there anything else in your lifestyle in general? I think the hydration piece in gratitude, that's not an obvious connection, but it is one. Is there anything else that you've personally have this really strong connection to hydration in your lifestyle, but isn't an obvious one?


Tracy Duhs: (20:01)

Definitely watching the sunrise and the sunset, getting that full spectrum light on my skin and my eyes and opening my mouth, getting in the epithelial tissue, that's really feeding my mitochondria so that my mitochondria can be more successful at making my own metabolic water, which is the purest most deuterium, depleted water, most structured water there is. My body makes it, our bodies make it. A lot of people have this misconception that camels carry water in their humps. And what they don't realise is that camels are carrying hydrogen fat in their humps. And that hydrogen is finding to the oxygen that they're breathing and the cell is making this metabolic water with that fuel. And so if we can make our bodies more efficient, our bodies are going to be making more metabolic water. And that water is ultimate.


Tracy Duhs: (21:06)

So that's like 10 to 20% of our hydration and the rest is eating. Sometimes people don't think about this, but take inventory of what you're eating, whether it could be the things that we think are so healthy like protein shakes or protein bars or whatever, we're eating bread. Those things are all very dehydrated. So we have to compensate more with hydration. I say, eat your hydration, because when you're eating plants, it's already structured within the cell of the plant. You already have that each three or two in that watermelon that you're eating. And it's just easier for your body to convert and make its own structured water within the cell. So your body resonates with it. It really likes it.


Tracy Duhs: (21:57)

Things like putting chia seeds in your water. I know they have lectins and some people have sensitivity to that, but if you don't, chia seeds are great. When you look at a chia seed and you put it in water, you'll see that white globe around it. And that's the fourth phase of water. So Gina Bria and Gerald Pollack studied that together. And it was really cool. They realised, oh, that's why. Gina Bria is an anthropologist. And she wanted to understand how the different cultures like desert people that lived in the desert, how they stayed hydrated. And it's like, oh, they use chia seeds. They ate their hydration. That was a big part of hydrating, because a lot of times they didn't have access to water the way they need to.


Tracy Duhs: (22:47)

Sometimes people in ancient cultures they didn't have water bottles or shops to get water. They got to go to the stream, take some drinks of the water and then go back to the village or whatever, and come back. And it wasn't just so easily accessible. So there was other ways that the body had to hydrate. And so thinking about the food that we eat, I think that's not so obvious to some people. It's like, oh, today I had maybe someone diet, they could say, oh, you had a protein shake in the morning, egg and toast or some chicken. And those things are all great, but they might be dehydrating. So think about balancing that food. I love to get a bunch of fresh berries in the morning.


Tracy Duhs: (23:35)

And I just introduced my girlfriend too in the morning having chopped avocado and chopped green apples together, and then just sprinkling a little sea salt. So then you get the fat or the hydrogen and you get the structured water from the apple and then as well as the fibre to help hold that hydration and your system longer. And just all those things together, you think about, gosh, that felt so hydrating. And it just feels so good. Even sometimes beyond drinking a glass of water.


Mason: (24:11)

Yeah. The chia seeds, it's funny. You’ve just taken me back. I think that was the first recipe I ever put on the website. And it's like 10 years ago now. I just read Born to Run about the Tarahumara tribes who used to do those ultra, just like they used to run and just do these little ultra marathons and just be able to knock out 100Ks or whatever that is in miles. And they just used to pop chia seeds and lime and a touch of honey. I was like, oh, that's the original athlete gel.


Tracy Duhs: (24:45)

Yeah. Totally way better than the athlete gel that we have now, because that one usually has things in it that I don't think are so healthy. That's my personal opinion.


Mason: (25:02)

I can't remember the book, but my wife read a book and it's really well known. I think I'm pretty sure this woman was a journalist over in Western Australia. And she went and lived with mob on land, indigenous mob here on land. And they were nomadic and they are proper. And they hadn't been touched by civilization yet. And one of the things they eventually said were just like you guys you drink way too much water in the west. You don't need that. You don't need that much water. That's not where all of your hydration comes from. I'll get the book and I'll put it in the show notes guys. But that's something that I can say, you talk about this so much.


Mason: (25:47)

And I can tell when there's someone that's like, "Hey, listen, this is cool. Let's talk about the water and drinking and getting excited about that." But what's going to cut the mustard here, you know where the rubber is going to hit the road. And that's when you have a lifestyle that is focused on hydration that can actually hold it rather than just focusing on the water you're drinking and then having a lifestyle that lets it all drain.


Tracy Duhs: (26:13)

Right. Yeah. A lot of people are drinking purified water, eating dehydrating foods and wondering why they're not moving. And I'm not just talking about walking or something. We need to be moving all of our joints, everything, getting the water in there or spine twisting it, just all parts of our body to get that fascial network, just so juicy and liberated. It's true. A lot of people just think, "Oh, if I just drink some water," most people that know I'm into hydration, that's the first thing that they say, "I'm drinking my water. What's the best water to drink?" And those are all great things, very important, but there's so much more to the story. Just like we mentioned earlier, it's just the tip of the iceberg.


Mason: (27:07)

Tip of the iceberg. And one of the most important pieces, we actually haven't talked about deuterium-depleted water on the podcast yet. So if you wouldn't mind explaining to the fine folks what that is, because they're going to hear about it a lot over the coming years.


Tracy Duhs: (27:21)

Yeah. It's something that's getting more attention. So deuterium is a heavy isotope. It's hydrogen. We like to call it, it's evil twin. There's controversy over that, but it makes sense, I think. For some people it's like, when you're drinking a cup of water, this doesn't just have H2O molecules in it and it has D2O in it and it also has HDO. So there's the D is the deuterium. And there's not a lot, it's minimal, but that deuterium, even the little amount that's in the water has a great impact on our body, because the D is the deuterium is twice as heavy as the hydrogen. So when that molecule, when it goes into your cell, it's like throwing a wrench into the nano motors of the mitochondria. And it's basically damaging the mitochondria. And we know that our vitality, our youth, our health, our life, the engines of ourselves are mitochondria.


Tracy Duhs: (28:40)

And so if we're causing these mitochondria to be damaged, mitochondrial death, then we're ageing ourselves, we're ageing faster. And so people are realising that if we deplete the water of deuterium, you can have more energy, they say will age slower, can live longer. So that's what the claims are right now. And I would like to experience it myself and see how I feel. But I've been on deuterium-depleted water 10 parts per million. So most water. This would be probably like 150 parts per million on average. And most people's bodies are 150 parts per million. Some people are higher and it's really bad. You can get a simple deuterium test and we can put it in the show notes where they can get that. But-


Mason: (29:41)

And that's different to a TDS metre, total dissolved solids metre? Is that different-


Tracy Duhs: (29:47)

Yeah. So it's a different type of test to find out how much deuterium is in your system.


Mason: (29:53)

Is there one that people can get at home or is it sending them to the lab?


Tracy Duhs: (29:57)

Yeah, there's a test that they can order. You put your saliva in this little tube and you send it in and they can tell you how much, but I don't even think it's worth it because most people are about 150 parts per million. That's the average human. So when you start depleting the deuterium in your water, which I've been drinking about 10 parts per million for the last year, my deuterium levels have gone down. Now there's other things that contribute to high deuterium like root vegetables and fruits, exotic fruits like mangoes and pineapple. Those are higher in deuterium. So they say if you want to lower your deuterium levels in your body, a ketogenic diet is a good diet to eat that keeps you lower in deuterium.


Tracy Duhs: (30:53)

And that is true, that it keeps you lower in deuterium, but I'm not a dogmatic person at all. I really feel like we have to have balance in our life. And if I'm going to be in Costa Rica or there's some great exotic pineapple or something, I'm going to eat that, it's structured, it's water, it's beautiful, it tastes good, it makes me happy. So I try not to be too dogmatic, but I am very mindful in my everyday life of trying not to have fruits that are too sweet and getting more of those good healthy fats into my system and not eating too much of the carbohydrates, because those carbohydrates are higher in deuterium, but just having a balance. So yeah, deuterium is a heavy isotope. And it's damaging ourselves, energy mechanisms and compromising our health and longevity.


Mason: (31:58)

The spanner in the machinery of the mitochondria is a great visual. And a couple of questions. The deuterium-depleted water that you're getting. I remember when we first started getting into this about three years ago, it was only available getting a crate from Estonia or something. It was underground. And where are you sourcing that water from now?


Tracy Duhs: (32:24)

Yeah, so there's a place called Lightwater and they have the water depleted of deuterium in Russia. So it does come from Russia, but their shipping centres once it comes from Russia, I think are in Reno. And so I have it sent to me from there, but yeah, it's a commitment. It's not something I really say that most people I would even concern them with right now, because most people, we are the world, there's such an epidemic of dehydration and we know that dehydration is connected to inflammation and all inflammation is connected to disease. So I just like to say let's just help the people get the basics down of hydration. And then we can always add those things in. And since hydration is my thing, obviously I'm going to experiment with deuterium depletion, because I want to know how does this work for me, because if I'm going to share it with everyone else, I need to have my own personal experience.


Mason: (33:40)

Yeah, for sure. You do it really well, I got to say. When I was coming up and the people I was running with, we will focus on the extremes. And that's what we were solely talking about. You hold in the centre really well and you're keeping yourself balanced in the centre while you're going off and exploring the fringes, which is nice because then you know you've got a rope connecting you back home and you don't lose yourself out there in the world of dogma, which as far as I'm concerned, we talk about dogma a lot on this podcast. And I have a lot of fun with it. And I think becoming ideologically dependent is something I talk about coming from a Jing deficiency. So it's a kidney deficiency. And so it's in fact embodied in the body. In an elemental sense, it's a water deficiency or a capacity, a deficiency to regulate your waters. And therefore you can't develop wisdom of your own. You need to become externally dependent. So I appreciate you.


Tracy Duhs: (34:40)

Hey, I've been that dogmatic person, that dogmatic place, and it didn't work for me. I was the one who no one wanted to go out to dinner with me because it was like I had to have everything perfect. And it was what farm was this grown on? What soil was it grown in? I don't know if it was that bad, but I really-


Mason: (34:57)

You were thinking it. If you didn't say it, you were thinking it.


Tracy Duhs: (35:00)

I was thinking it, exactly. And it's just like there was all that tension in my body, because I wasn't able to enjoy it. I was more anxious of, "Is this food going to hurt me?" I became almost afraid of food the more that I learned. The more you learn and the awareness that you have, it can make you a little bit anxious about it. And so the pendulum has to swing though. And then I realised that if we spend so much time being anxious about it, that's imprinting the body of water that we are. And that anxiety is not good. It's sending incoherent dissonant messages to our morphogenetic field that are then going to be creating dissonant frequencies within ourselves. And we know through epigenetics, we have the opportunity to choose what we want our genes to look like based on our environment and our thoughts and all of these factors.


Tracy Duhs: (35:57)

And so I really had to take a step back and realise if I'm not enjoying life or I'm not finding this joy and the opportunity within everything, then it becomes more of a chore. And who can really live that life for the long term? I think that's why a lot of people have yo-yo diets. They're being so dogmatic about whatever it is. And then it's like, can you really sustain that forever? So I try to maintain things and help people with a lifestyle they can live forever that's going to help them have this joy. I have this thing called the nine pillars of health that works for me that I really teach to and try to educate. And one of those pillars is creative playtime, because I really believe that in order to have this vitality and thrive, we need to play. We need to get outside of ourselves and our dogma and our rigidity in all of this polarisation in the world where it's like, this is bad, this is good. How about we just play? When you were a kid and you went out and it's like, "You're a kid, I'm a kid. We can be friends. Let's play."


Tracy Duhs: (37:22)

If we can just realise that our mind creates so much of the problems that we have and we get back to the joy and really having this true joy within, it changes everything.


Mason: (37:38)

Hallelujah. The playing thing, did you happen... I don't know if you're a Seinfeld fan. Did you get that?


Tracy Duhs: (37:44)

Oh, totally.


Mason: (37:45)

Okay. Oh my God! You live next door. We can be best friends.


Tracy Duhs: (37:47)

Yes. I love that. Oh my gosh!


Mason: (37:53)

Great. The chuckle therapy, laughter therapy as well, I find to be one of the grandest things. Ultimately, when you go the dogmatic route, then you need to get to the point where you can take the piss out of yourself and the world. It's just all that giggling just vibrates the water in such a unique way.


Tracy Duhs: (38:18)

Yes, I totally agree.


Mason: (38:22)

There's just a couple of selfish questions I want to throw out there and it's really great to get that context of where you're coming from. When we do start talking about things like supplements, I understand where you're coming from with them. Now molecular hydrogen, by far one of my favourites. For the last 12 years, I've been taking a hydrogen supplement originally mega hydrate and then moved on to a molecular hydrogen. I want to hear your pace on it. Your intention. I assume you're taking it regularly from just checking out your grant.


Tracy Duhs: (39:02)

Yeah. Every morning I do molecular hydrogen tablets and depending on how I feel, if I need more energy during the day, I pick me up, I'll do that again maybe before I go work out. Especially if I need energy, I'll do nitric oxide tablets and then hydrogen and hypertonic quinton. And those three things to get their chance to ignite everything in my body. It's like ready, I'm charged. My cells are talking to each other and I'm ready to go on that run or whatever it is. But yeah, molecular hydrogen modulates inflammation in the body and it really helps with our bodies to be able to hydrate more effectively. And it's something that I feel the difference and everyone that I've gotten on, it feels the difference. So I highly suggest it.


Tracy Duhs: (39:57)

And I know there's a lot of machines out there that can make hydrogen. And those are great too, but sometimes they aren't as consistent. So the tablets, you just know exactly what you're going to get with it. They're like $1 a piece, put it in some water. One thing that a lot of people miss with the hydrogen tablets though is what's in the water is the gas, the hydrogen gas that we need to get ingested into the system. So sometimes people will put the tablet in the water and then walk away half an hour later, come back and drink it. And you really miss the value of that tablet. You need to really just sit there as it dissolves and then immediately drink it. So for me, there's been a couple of times as well to really be grateful for the water and try to focus my intention and my thoughts on imprinting positive frequencies into that water. They're going to benefit me for the day.


Mason: (40:57)

Yeah. Hallelujah. I like hydrogen, the inflow of getting past the blood brain barrier inflammation all over the place going down. I'm like, I was stoked to see that on your site, because I actually didn't have a resource for the American crew to get hydrogen. So which website was that on again? Is that just a Tracy done?


Tracy Duhs: (41:24)

Yeah, Yeah. You can learn more about it, but I also have an online store, which is


Mason: (41:36)

That's your online store?


Tracy Duhs: (41:37)



Mason: (41:40)

I like it. Yeah. So you had the beauty chef in there as well. Is that right?


Tracy Duhs: (41:43)

Oh, we love the beauty chef. Yeah. I love carloads and everything she's doing. She's just an epic human.


Mason: (41:50)

Yeah. Like we've all Instagram Aussie company mates. So it was nice to see them there. Yeah, big recommendation for everyone listening to get onto molecular hydrogen. I've found it's one of those ones going like similar. I've got a kid as well and life's busy and at times I'm not able to do everything I need to do. So it's like the molecular hydrogen and the rebounder, have been those two as well as the whole lifestyle thing. Just it's like those little... I don't know. For lack of a better word, the little hacks that have honestly kept me thriving when I've been hustling big time. So I was like as soon as I saw you're into those two things, I was like, yeah, sister.


Tracy Duhs: (42:41)

We can be friends. Yeah.


Mason: (42:43)

Now we can be friends. [inaudible 00:42:44]


Tracy Duhs: (42:43)

It's amazing. I would totally suggest it for every single person, even kids, just the environment we live in. We can all benefit from some molecular hydrogen in our life. And it's so benign. There's nothing that you can't overdose on it. You can't hurt yourself. If your body doesn't need it, it'll just expel it. It's not something that can hurt you. And I really advocate in our wellness centre that we have in San Diego, we have a luxury retreat and wellness centre. When people come in, they come in with all different types of health issues. We have from pro athletes to people with stage four cancer that come in that want to optimise their health. And I love products and things that don't force or drive biochemistry in a direction that's just so aggressive.


Tracy Duhs: (43:42)

I love to just support the body because I really believe the cells have their own innate intelligence. And if we remove the obstacles for healing and give the body the building blocks for biogenesis in life, the things that they need, then that's all we have to do. And we just need to step out of the way and allow the cells to do what they know how to do.


Mason: (44:08)

Amen. Tell me more about your... Is it like a retreat, retreat or is it like an urban retreat?


Tracy Duhs: (44:17)

Yeah, so it's a luxury wellness retreat. You come for three days and we do a bio-energetic scan. So we go through all your meridian points. We do Chinese and German meridian points and see where your body can use some support. And then obviously we focus on hydration there. We do IV therapy, we do tonnes of hydration therapy. We have a chef that comes and we get the food from our bio-dynamic garden. And you literally don't have to think. You sleep in silk sheets, you get tucked into bed at night. You wake up in the morning and someone's escorting you to your beach walk for sunrise and listening to sound bolts on the ocean. It's literally where you can let go. We say it's a place where you can refresh your body, reset your mind and rediscover your spirit.


Tracy Duhs: (45:13)

I look at it as like sometimes we have to press the reset button on our phone, turn it off and turn it back on. And just that system reset can make all the difference. And that's the same with us. We don't turn off very often. We're always go, go, go, go, no matter what we're doing. Oh, this text, I got to get back to this person or this email or this interview or whatever's going on. It's just constant. And so I wanted to make a place where people could come and really have a true reset. It wasn't just like, "Oh, I'm going to go to this spa and get some massages and facials and slow down." No, you literally have to turn in your cell phone. We take it from you and we're putting it in a locked safe. And you are getting to know yourself again.


Tracy Duhs: (46:03)

You are really pressing the reset button, but the great thing is, is you're doing so much that people forget that they don't have their phone because it's not really time to really think about it. It's like your body, mind and spirit are going through a whole reset. And by the end of three days, a lot of people don't even want their phones back. They're like, "It feels so good. I don't want to go back to where I was."


Mason: (46:32)

Dude. It sounds absolutely bloody perfect. I'm like, I'm ready for something like that. I would like if it's next time, if I ever get to travel again. I'm coming man. I'm coming down there. I'm going to visit you there. I want the shade. So I want to be tucked in.


Tracy Duhs: (46:53)



Mason: (46:55)

It sounds like I didn't realise it's a retreat.


Tracy Duhs: (46:59)

It's a retreat literally. Yeah. I just was like, I want to make a retreat that everything that I want in a retreat, I'm going to make that so that I can go there. And I just couldn't find a retreat that I really wanted to go do that every single thing that I wanted, that's going to scan my body and find what foods are good for me and what I can benefit from and not benefit from supplemental wise and then have everything there for me. And I don't have to think about it. Just the staff does it for me. And I get to just relax.


Mason: (47:36)

Just because I never get to talk to anyone about this. Like, okay, you go to retreat that's just for you. How many quintons are you taking on your retreat?


Tracy Duhs: (47:48)

Well, how many quintons do I take personally or how many do we give the people?


Mason: (47:52)

Let's go for you personally.


Tracy Duhs: (47:55)

Well, it really depends. In general, I will take one when I wake up and one when I go to bed, but if I'm travelling and I feel really dehydrated, I can take one every hour literally. It just depends on how I feel, but I call quinton my desert Island product. If I could only take one thing to a desert Island, it would be quinton isotonic, for sure, because it's great for your skin. I use it to tone my skin every morning. I mix the isotonic and hypertonic half and half. And then I put a hydrogen tablet into that and then put it on my skin in the morning and reduces inflammation, gives my skin the building blocks for life so that my DNA is all healthy. And so I don't just use quinton for... I actually do a lot of other things too with it that probably we shouldn't talk about on the show.


Mason: (48:59)

I'm glad you brought that up, because I was just about to ask that question. And I think I don't know what you're talking about, but I won't go there yet because I think I had one question and just in case that's it. But I guess you're also saying it can revitalise everywhere, not just the face and well, it's the best mineral delivery I've ever experienced. And when I'm ever in the States, I just [crosstalk 00:49:27].


Tracy Duhs: (49:27)

So pure.


Mason: (49:28)

So pure. We may not go into it, but everyone, if you just go look up Q-U-I-N-T-O-N, quinton, it's worth just experiencing it a couple of times.


Tracy Duhs: (49:41)

Yeah, and we have it at too. And if anybody has any questions, they can email us. Basically quinton is all 78 trace elements that our body needs to build new life. And quinton is seawater, it's ocean water that Rene Quinton discovered in the late 1800s that our blood plasma is identical to the ocean's plasma and that our blood plasma should be identical. I should say should, because if we look at our blood plasma of a typical American, it's probably going to be missing many of those 78 trace elements. So when we take Quinton, it's able to literally help with our genetic potential helping to heal with our epigenetic potential, I should say, to make ourselves healthy and deliver that message that they need to be able to do what they need to do.


Tracy Duhs: (50:47)

And so Quinton is literally sea water that's diluted, but it comes from vortex plankton bloom. So there's something beyond the chemistry of it, not just the 78 trace elements that are in it, but it's also that energetic information that is inside of it. And so it comes in a double tip ampule to hold that energetic information in it. So when you open the ampule up and put it under your tongue and swish it around in your mouth and your epithelial tissue sends a message to all your cells that you have what you need, all the building blocks for life. It's powerful. Something that I suggest everybody tries, especially women that are pregnant or somebody that wants to get pregnant, babies. It's just so powerful in what it can do.


Mason: (51:41)

Yeah. And it's interesting. And a few people deepen into transfusion, just injection territory with it. In the past I have had a few friends who have gone into world. Very interesting one for people to look into. I think that as well, but supplementing as well as...


Tracy Duhs: (51:59)

Yes, just what you said. I don't like to say it, but just what you said. So far beyond what we could ever think of, I heard that they're doing research and studies of possibly using quinton on the battlefields instead of blood, because when you inject the quinton, it acts as your own blood plasma. So your body can build its own red blood cells. So somebody needs blood, like Rene Quinton did the study on a dog where he drained the blood out of a dog. And then right when the dog was about to expire, they re-infused quinton and the dog revived and came back to life. So just the quinton plasma, they did another study later on with a pig and they put the drain, the blood out of the pig, then put the quinton back in, the pig came back revived.


Tracy Duhs: (52:59)

They tried it again with the pig's own blood. They drained the blood, then tried to put the pig's own blood back in and it's still died. So they realised there is some energetic force in the quinton that's still unexplainable that we can't quantify at this point, but we do know is there. And so I just say, we just have faith and believe and trust and know that there's something far beyond what we can see right now.


Mason: (53:27)

Amazing. Yeah. The potential there is huge. Tracy, I've had so much fun talking to you. Thanks, Tracy, for coming on.


Tracy Duhs: (53:35)

Thank you for having me. I feel really blessed to have this opportunity and I look forward to connecting with you more in the future.


Mason: (53:42)

Yeah, likewise. We'll put every one of your pages on Instagram and everything and all your handles down below, but is there any way in particular that you'd like to send people, especially maybe to pre-order the book? Is it still pre-order?


Tracy Duhs: (53:57)

Yeah, it is. Yeah, they can go to my website,, T-R-A-C-Y-D-U-H-S. And you can pre-order my book, Hydrate, which has all of my secret elixir recipes and just tips on hydration that I want to make hydration fun and a lifestyle that people can enjoy. And so it's just things that I do every day and hopefully you enjoy it.


Mason: (54:24)

I think we will. After talking about this, I definitely think everyone's going to absolutely froth on it as that's the phase of water whenever, when it's frothing. Thank you. Have a great day.


Tracy Duhs: (54:36)

You too. Bye. Thank you.

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When you need your adrenals back online and your core energy restored. This recipe revolves around our blend JING, which comprises of 6 revered Jing herbs (tonics that nourish the primordial energy within the kidneys).

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Adrenal Jing-a-ling