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Female Hormones with Dr Carrie Jones (EP#19)

The ladies discuss the HPA axis and how the thyroid is best tested. Adrenal fatigue is explored and the discussion around slowing down and not being a master of all the things, all the time, is covered. Keto and veganism lifestyles are discussed. This is a beautiful conversation around a woman's wellbeing and how it is a complex and dancing conversation between all the organ systems and hormones.


In today's Women Series episode, Tahnee dives deep into listening to your body's innate wisdom, with Dr Carrie Jones. Dr Carrie is the medical director of the DUTCH, which is a relatively new analytic to test hormones and safe to say it greatly differs from the traditional Western blood-test approach. The ladies discuss the HPA axis and how the thyroid is best tested. Adrenal fatigue is explored and the discussion around slowing down and not being a master of all the things, all the time, is covered. Keto and veganism lifestyles are discussed. This is a beautiful conversation around a woman's wellbeing and how it is a complex and dancing conversation between all the organ systems and hormones. You don't want to miss this one! 


The ladies discuss:

  • Blood tests show that moment in time; blood doesn't present what each constituent piece is doing, where it's going, or how the body is interacting with it
  • Accurately testing cortisol via blood, is challenging
  • DUTCH show the metabolites, which present how each hormone was processed
  • The ideal Western standard range for blood test data is very arbitrary
  • A slow thyroid slows down everything - hair, nails, metabolism, cortisol
  • Thyroid testing is best via blood
  • Cortisol and melatonin and sort of the like the sun and the moon, like Yin and Yang
  • Circadian rhythm irregularities (e.g. poor sleep) will effect all our rhythms, our female cycle included 
  • We love routine and structure, honor the body by having positive sleep hygiene practices and routine meal time. Basics are key
  • Why keto and intermittent fasting might not be for you
  • How symptoms easily become the normal, but feeling anxious, feeling tired all the time, are not the sign of health
  • How "adrenal fatigue" is the body's way of saying slow down
  • Quality truly is key when it comes to supplements 
  • How veganism has the tendency to deplete a woman's systems
  • What's leptin resistance? 
  • The physiology behind polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Biologically speaking, survival is the priority, reproduction is not. Hence why stress can play havoc with a women's cycle
  • Libido is a strong sign of robust health, low libido is an indicator there is imbalance
  • Why informed decision-making, regarding the Pill is critical
  • Why menopause symptoms can differ so significantly between women


Who is Dr. Carrie Jones?

Dr. Carrie Jones (ND, MPH) is an internationally recognized speaker, consultant, and educator on the topic of women’s health and hormones. She graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine, School of Naturopathic Medicine in Oregon, where she also completed her two year residency in women’s health, hormones and endocrinology. Later she graduated from Grand Canyon University’s Master of Public Health program with a goal of doing more international education. She was adjunct faculty for many years teaching genecology and advanced endocrinology/fertility and has been the Medical Director for two large integrative clinics in Portland. She is the Medical Director for Precision Analytical, Inc, creators of the DUTCH hormone test.



DUTCH test
Chi Nei Tsang
Reishi the Shen tonic
Michael Pollan
Gerson Therapy 
Dr Carrie Jones Instagram
Dr Carrie Jones Website
Thera Health


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Life-Changing Sex Makes Anything Possible with Kim Anami (EP#28)

In today's podcast Tahnee chats to Kim Anami, an incredible woman and a self professed vaginal weight lifter (yep, you read that right!) Kim is a passionate holistic sex and relationship coach, devoted to enlivening the sexual potential of both women...

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